Expert guidance to save you time and money.
Every January, BC Assessment sends out property assessment notices. These assessments are based on mass-valuation techniques and don’t always take into account the nuances of individual properties. As a result, many owners end up paying more than they should. Have questions or concerns about your property assessment? We’re here to help.

A Meticulous Approach
Every detail matters when it comes to providing clients with an accurate sense of where they stand with respect to an appeal. Our team of property tax consultants has extensive experience interpreting the BC Assessment Act, consulting our comprehensive 50-year-old appraisal database, applying relevant case law and navigating the appeal process. We offer property tax consulting to a wide range of clientele for all property types.
Proactive Consultations
Contact us early, in the year prior to the assessment being published when the pre-roll figure is released or even before that if you have a sense there may be an issue with your upcoming assessment. We seek to negotiate reductions as early as possible to save our clients on costs. If your assessment is determined to be unfair, we will prepare a valuation and legal-oriented case and present this to the assessor.
Comprehensive Annual Tax Reviews
We conduct annual reviews of property assessments in January each year, for individual properties and for entire portfolios. We can provide certainty that you are in fact receiving fair property taxation or recommend that an appeal is pursued.
Expert Tax Negotiation
Settling an appeal by way of negotiation is the quickest and most straightforward means to achieve your fair taxation goals, and we use our long-standing relationships with BC Assessment to meet this end. Relationships are built on respect, and repeated delivery of powerful results undeniably cultivates this respect. If we can save you one or multiple hearings, we’ll always seek to do so.
Appeal Services
We offer clients representation beyond the negotiation stage. Our property tax consultants diligently prepare for each hearing and make sure your case delivery is concise and well-reasoned. We act on your behalf and consult with you throughout the process to ensure your desires are met, while strategically advising on how best to achieve an optimal outcome. We know the individual adjudicators behind the panels and use this knowledge in each case presentation. In the rare event an appeal to the highest level is required, we avail ourselves to your legal team and work with them.
Going Where We’re Needed
We’re based in beautiful Victoria, BC, but our team is equipped with the technology to serve our clients across British Columbia and Alberta. No matter where you need property tax consulting, we’ll come to you.